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Below are a few frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked


1.) Can I send you hair from my own horse?

 YES!! We prefer to make custom items with hair from your own fur children.


2.) How much hair do you need me to send?

It can never hurt to have too much. At minimum, I need about a pencil thickness by about 18 inches long. 


3.) Can I send you mane hair?

I prefer tail hair, as mane hair is much more fine, brittle, and shorter. However, if mane hair is all you have, I can likely work with it.  


4.) Can I get a piece made with multiple horse's hair?

 Absolutely! We have several braids that can nicely incorporate hair from multiple horses at no additional cost.


5.) Do I have to wash the hair before I ship it to you?

Nope. I prefer to wash it so it can dry all the way. If you choose to wash it beforehand, please make sure it's THOROUGHLY dry before sending it to me. Set it outside spread apart to insure its fully dried.


6.) If I have my own idea/design in my head that I'd like to get made, will you make it?

 Contact me and I'm sure we can work something out!


7.) I don't have my own horse, but I'd love to have a piece. Can I still order?

Yes!! I have all colors of hair in my collection. When you go to checkout- under the "horsehair" section choose the box that states you'd like to use hair from my collection. Then, specify the color you want. If you have multiple colors you'd like, just make a note of it in the "Special Requests" section. 



1.) I want to send you hair from my horse, where do I send it to?

    Shine Designs

    247 Pigg River Rd

    Glade Hill, VA 24092


2.) How do I send you my horse's hair?

Put it in a ziplock bag with the name your order's under and mail it via your preferred method of shipping. 


3.) How long will it take to get my custom horsehair jewelry back?

Depending on how quickly I receive the hair and how many orders I currently have. I can usually get items shipped out swiftly. However, I always allow 3-4 weeks to be on the safe side.



1.) Do you gift wrap?

Absolutely!! Let me know it's a gift in the "Special Requests" section at checkout.


2.) This item is for a gift for someone, how do I let you know this?

At the checkout of each item, there's a section labeled "Special Requests", that's where you can specify that as well as give me the address to who it is going to.



1.) How do I care for the leather? Is there anything I have to do to it?

You can clean and condition the leather with any leather cleaner or conditioner. Typically, no, you don't have to do any additional care to it unless you prefer to.

2.) Can I get my item wet?

Of course! All of our pieces are finished and sealed so that if it gets wet, it will not effect the color. Getting the leather wet, however, will make it dry to the shape it got wet in.

3.) If my item gets stiff after it got wet, what do I do?

You can condition the leather with any leather conditioner to get the leather supple again.


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